Винокуров Евгений Юрьевич

д.э.н. (ИМЭМО РАН); PhD. (Гренобль)

Директор центра интеграционных исследований Евразийского банка развития


С 04.2011. Санкт-Петербург, Россия. Евразийский банк развития. Директор Центра интеграционных исследований. Организация работы Центра интеграционных исследований ЕАБР; подготовка аналитических исследований с фокусом на торгово-экономической и финансово-валютной интеграции; консалтинг; публикации в СМИ.

09.2006-03.2001. Алматы, Казахстан. Евразийский банк развития. Последовательно: ведущий специалист (09.2006-09.2007); начальник отдела экономического анализа (09.2007-04.2009); зам. начальника Аналитического управления (04.2009-03.2011). Экономический и стратегический анализ инвестиционных проектов; стратегическое планирование; макроэкономический анализ государств-участников Банка (страны СНГ); отраслевой анализ с фокусом на электроэнергетике и транспорте; ответственность за линейку аналитических продуктов банка; бюджетирование и планирование деятельности управления, найм персонала.  Член Кредитного комитета с ноября 2006г.; член Комитета по техническому содействию с марта 2008г.; член Комитета по организационному развитию Банка (2007-2010).

2001 – 2006гг. Россия, Германия, Франция, Бельгия, Китай. Различные организации. Аналитик, эксперт, приглашенный исследователь. Кратко- и среднесрочные проекты (от 1 до 12 месяцев) в области экономического развития, территориального развития, макроэкономического анализа, региональной интеграции, в том числе в CEPS, Йенском университе, ТACIS, Даляньской ассоциации международного экономического сотрудничества, Левенском университе и др.


Доктор экономических наук, ИМЭМО РАН, Москва, 2008.

PhD (экономика), Pierre Mendes-France University (Grenoble II), 2007.

Magister iuris (M. iur.), Göttingen University, 1999.

Диплом специалиста, Калининградский государственный университет.

Академический год, Fairfield University, CT.


Экономическая и политическая интеграция.

Экономики стран постсоветского пространства.

Банки развития.

Калининград, анклавы и эксклавы.





Русский родной, английский, немецкий и французский свободно.


List of publications

Books  and edited books

Vinokurov, Evgeny (ed.) (2011, forthcoming) EDB Eurasian Integration Yearbook 2011. EDB: Almaty.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (ed.) (2010) EDB Eurasian Integration Yearbook 2010. EDB: Almaty.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (ed.) (2010) The System of Indicators of Eurasian Integration. EDB: Almaty.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (ed.) (2009) EDB Eurasian Integration Yearbook 2009. EDB: Almaty.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (ed.) (2008) EDB Eurasian Integration Yearbook 2008. EDB: Almaty.

Gaenzle, Stefan, Muentel, Guido, Vinokurov, Evgeny (eds.) (2008) Adapting to European Integration? The Case of the Russian Exclave Kaliningrad. Manchester University Press, Manchester.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2007) A Theory of Enclaves. Lexington Books, Lanham, MD.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2007) A Theory of Enclaves., Terra Baltica, Kaliningrad. In Russian.

Malfliet, Katlijn, Verpoest, Lien, Vinokurov, Evgeny (eds.) (2007), The CIS, the EU, and Russia: Challenges of Integration, Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2007) Kaliningrad: Enclaves and Economic Integration. CEPS, Brussels.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2007) Economic Specialisation of the Kaliningrad Oblast. Immanuel     Kant Russian State University Press, Kaliningrad. In Russian.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2002) Together with Kant. Philosophical Foundations of the Discussions on a World Political Order, Kaliningrad University Press, Kaliningrad. In Russian.

Book chapters

Vinokurov E. (2011, forthcoming) Are Currency Wars in the EurAsEC Customs Union possible? In: Vinokurov, Evgeny (ed.) (2011) EDB Eurasian Integration Yearbook 2010. EDB: Almaty.

Vinokurov E.(2010) Accelerating Regional Integration: Directions for Research. In: Vinokurov E. (ed.) EDB Eurasian Integration Yearbook 2010. EDB: Almaty. pp. 20-27.

Vinokurov E. (2010) Knitting Europe and Asia Together: Kazakhstan’s Foreign Economic Policy.  The Euromoney Emerging Markets Handbook 2010/11, Euromoney, pp. 61-66.

Vinokurov E. (2009) Mutual Investment in The CIS Banking Sector, The Euromoney Central Asia & CEE Financial Markets Handbook 2009/10, Euromoney, pp. 4-9.

Vinokurov E. (2009) Mutual Investment in the CIS Banking Sector. In: Vinokurov, Evgeny (ed.) (2009) EDB Eurasian Integration Yearbook 2009. EDB: Almaty.

Vinokurov E., Jadraliyev M., Shcherbanin Y. (2009). The EurAsEC Transport Corridors. In: Vinokurov, Evgeny (ed.) (2009) EDB Eurasian Integration Yearbook 2009. EDB: Almaty.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2008) The CIS Common Electric Power Market. In: Vinokurov, Evgeny (ed.) (2008) EDB Eurasian Integration Yearbook. EDB: Almaty.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2008) Economic Policy. In: Gaenzle S., Muentel  G., Vinokurov E. (eds.) (2008), 169-182.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2008) How do enclaves adjust to changes in external environment? A Theory of Enclave and the case of Kaliningrad. In: Gaenzle S., Muentel  G., Vinokurov E. (eds.) (2008), 51-67.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2007) Russian Approaches to Integration in the post-Soviet space in the 2000s. In: Malfliet K., Verpoest L., Vinokurov E. (2007).

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2007) The EU-Russian Common Economic Space and the Policy-Taker Problem, In: Malfliet K., Verpoest L., Vinokurov E. (2007)

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2007) The Making of the Concept of the EU-Russian Common Economic Space, Bruno, Sergi (ed.) Trade and Industry Developments in Central and Eastern Europe, Ashgate, London. 

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2005) The Enclave-Specific Vulnerability of Kaliningrad. In: Liuhto, Kari (ed.) Kaliningrad 2020: its future competitiveness and role in the Baltic Sea economic region, Pan-European Institute, Turku, 56-74.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2004) Idea evropeysko-rossiyskoy zony svobodnoy torgovli v Kaliningradskoy oblasti [The Idea of an EU-Russian Free Trade Zone in Kaliningrad Oblast], Rossiya i Evropeyskiy Soyuz [Russia and the European Union], Moscow: Kennan Institute, 249-257.

Papers in international refereed journals

Libman, Alexander, Vinokurov, Evgeny (2012, forthcoming) Regional Integration and Economic Convergence in the Post-Soviet Space: Experience of the Decade of Growth, Journal of Common Market Studies.

Libman, Alexander, Vinokurov, Evgeny (2012, forthcoming) Post-Soviet Integration and the Interaction of Functional Bureaucracies. Review of International Political Economy. 

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2007) Integration of an Enclave into the International Economy: Changing Patterns of Kaliningrad’s Economic Specialisation, International Journal for Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, no.1: 34-51.

Samson, Ivan, Lamande, Vincent, and Vinokurov, Evgeny (2004) Measuring Regional Economic Development in Russia: The Case of the Kaliningrad Oblast, in:  European Urban and Regional Studies, (11)1:71-81

Lamande, Vincent, Vinokurov, Evgeny (2003) Trade in Kaliningrad Oblast, Problems of Economic Transition, (46)6: 56-72.

Papers in national refereed journals

Vinokurov E., Kurmanalieva E. (2011) Valyutnaya politika v stranakh Tamozhennogo souyza: vozmozhny li valyutnye voyny? [Currency Politics in the EurAsEC Customs Union: Are Currency Wars Possible?]. Eurasian Economic Integration, February (1/10): 55-67.

Vinokurov E. (2011) Rebalancing Asia and Europe in Eurasia, Eurasian Economic Integration, February (1/10): 3-7.

Vinokurov E., Libman A. (2010)  A Quantitative Assessment of Integration Trends in the CIS. Mezhdunarodnye Issledovaniya. Obshestvo. Politika. Ekonomika. 3(4). Pp. 30-46.

Vinokurov E. (2010) From the Post-Soviet to Eurasian Integration. Mezhdunarodnye Issledovaniya. Obshestvo. Politika. Ekonomika. 3(4). Pp. 100-101.

Vinokurov E., Libman A. (2010, forthcoming) Trendy regionalnoy integracii na postsovetskom prostranstve: rezultaty kolichestvennogo analiza [Post-Soviet Regional Integration Trends: Results of Quantitative Analysis], Voprosy Economiki, 7: 94-107.

Vinokurov E., Libman A. (2010, forthcoming) Integraciya tovarnykh rynkov na postsovetskom prostranstve [Integration of Goods Markets in the Post-Soviet Space], Mir peremen.

Vinokurov E., Libman A., Maqsimchook N. (2010) Dynamika integracionnykh processov v Centralnoy Azii [The Dynamics of Integration Processes in Central Asia]. Eurasian Economic Integration, May (7): 5-32.

Vinokurov E. (2010) Integracionnye processy v electroenergetike stran SNG [Integration Process in the CIS Electric Power Sector], World Energy, 1.

Vinokurov E. Libman A. (2009) Systema indikatorov evraziyskoy integracii: osnovnye vyvody [The System of Indicators of Eurasian Integration: Main Findings], Eurasian Economic Integration, 4(5): 38-57.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2009) Obshiye elektroenergeticheskiye rynki SNG i Evrazii [Common Electric Power Markets of the CIS and Eurasia], World Economy and International Relations, 1: 36-42.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2008) Obshiy elektroenergetichesky rynok SNG kak instrument ekonomicheskogo razvitiya i regionalnoy integracii [The CIS Common Power Market as an Instrument of Economic Development and Regional Integration]. Eurasian Economic Integration, 1, Fall: 54-74.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2007) Kaliningradskaya oblast: mezhdu Rossiey i Evropoy [The Kaliningrad Region: between Russia and Europe], World Economy and International Relations, 8: 25-30.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2006) Problemy sozdaniya Obshego ekonomicheskogo prostranstva ES-Rossiya [Problems of the Establishment of the Common Economic Space EU-Russia], World Economy and International Relations, 3:41-48.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2003) Obsheye ekonomicheskoye prostranstvo ES-Rossiya i Kaliningrad [Common Economic Space EU-Russia and Kaliningrad], World Economy and International Relations, 11:53-60.

Lamande, Vincent, Vinokurov, Evgeny (2003) Formirovaniye torgovoy specializacii Kaliningadskoy oblasti [Formation of the Trade Specialization of Kaliningrad Oblast], Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2: 53-63.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2002) Anklavy v mirovoy ekonomike i mezhdunarodnych otnosheniyach: opyt poslednich desyatiletiy [Enclaves in World Economy and Politics: Experience of the Last Decennials], World Economy and International Relations, 9: 83-88.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2000) Perspectivy razvitiya mezhdunarodnogo antimonopolnogo prava i VTO [Perspectives of the Development of International Antitrust Law and the WTO], World Economy and International Relations, 10:40-47.

Other papers and reports

Libman A., Vinokurov E. (2010) Is It Really Different? Patterns of regionalization in the post-Soviet Central Asia. MPRA Working Paper.

Libman A., Vinokurov E. (2010) Holding Together Regionalism and the Interaction of Functional Bureaucracies. MPRA Working Paper.

Libman A., Vinokurov E. (2010) Regional Integration and Economic Convergence in the post-Soviet Space: Experience of the Decade of Growth. MPRA Working Paper.

Emerson M., Vinokurov E. (2009) Optimisation of Central Asian and Eurasian Trans-Continental Land Transport Corridors. EUCAM, Working paper 07, December. Available at www.ceps.be.

Vinokurov, Evgeny, Jadraliyev Murat, Shcherbanin Yuriy (2009). The EurAsEC Transport Corridors. EDB Sector Report no.5. April. EDB: Almaty.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2009) Mutual Investments in the Banking Sector in Eurasia: Ready, Steady, Wait a Minute. World Finance Review, January: 44-46.

Vinokurov, Evgeny, Samiev, Pavel, et al. (2008) Electroenergetika SNG. Na puti k obshemu rynku. Analytical Report [The CIS Power Sector. On the Way to the Common Market]. November. EDB – RA Expert: Almaty, Moscow.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2008) The CIS Common Electric Power Market. EDB Industry Report no.3. EDB: Almaty.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2008), K ustoychivomu razvitiyu – cherez integraciyu [Through Integration to Sustainable Development], Mirovaya energetika [World Energy], 8 and 9 (57-58): 40-43 and 44-47.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2008) Evraziyu ob’edinit elektroenergetika [Eurasia Will Be United by Electric Power], Mirovaya energetika [World Energy], 5(53):62-65.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2008) Nuclear Complexes of Russia and Kazakhstan: Prospects of Development and Cooperation. EDB Industry Report no.1. EDB: Almaty.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2008) Eurasian Development Bank: Results of 2007 and Strategy for 2008-2010, World Finance Review, February.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2007) Investicii i sotrudnichestvo v gidroenergetike Centralnoy Asii. [Investments and Cooperation in Central Asian Hydroenergy], Kontinent Partnerstva, September, p.42-54. Available at www.eabr.org/download/kontinent.september.pdf

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2007) Nuclear Renaissance in Kazakhstan and Russia: Prospects for   Industrial    Cooperation and Financing, World Finance Review, Fall issue, p.74-79. Available at http://www.finetime.net/last_four/WFRAU7.pdf

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2007) Perspektivy integracii atomno-energeticheskikh kompleksov Rossii i Kazakhstana v kontekste processov ekonomickeskoy integracii [Prospects of Integration of Russian and Kazakhstani Nuclear Industries in the Context of Economic Integration Processes], Kontinent Partnerstva, July, p.32-44, available at http://www.eabr.org/download/kontinent.july.pdf

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2007) Perspektivy integracii atomno-energeticheskikh kompleksov Rossii i Kazakhstana v kontekste processov ekonomickeskoy integracii [Prospects of Integration of Russian and Kazakhstani Nuclear Industries in the Context of Economic Integration Processes], Atomnaya Strategiya (Nuclear Strategy), p.24-26, available at http://www.proatom.ru/files/as31_18_36.pdf

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2007) Financing Water and Energy Infrastructure in Central Asia,. Kazakhstan Business Journal, no.2, available at http://www.investkz.com/en/projects/44.html

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2007) Financing Infrastructure in Central Asia: Water and Energy Nexus, World Finance Review, Spring issue, 135-139, available at http://www.finetime.net/ebrd2007/Financing%20Infrastructure%20in%20Central%20Asia.pdf

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2007) In Russia, With Russia: Kaliningrad’s Dependence on Russian Domestic Policy and Economic Development. AIKE Working Paper, available at www.kaliningradexpert.org

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2006)   Kaliningrad Visa and Transit Issues Revisited, CEPS Commentary, available at http://www.ceps.be/Article.php?article_id=531

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2006) Enclaves and Exclaves of the World. Setting the Framework for a Theory of Enclaves. ZDES Working Papers, Bielefeld University/St. Petersburg State University, available at www.zdes.spb.ru

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2005) Russische benaderingen van de integratieproblematiek. De post-sovjetruimte aan het begin van de 21e eeuw [Russian Approaches to Integration on the Post-Soviet Space in the 2000s], Oost-Europa Tijdingen, (5) September, 3-29.

Vinokurov, Evgeny et al. (2005) Kaliningrad in the context of establishing the EU-Russian Common Economic Space. East-West Institute Policy Brief. Available at: http://www.kaliningradexpert.org/stuff/pubs/economy_eng.pdf

Dewar, S., Ignatyev, A., Lindholm, P., Swiecicki J., Usanov, A., Vinokurov, E., Wellmann C. (2005) Policy Recommendations: Support to Transforming Kaliningrad into a Pilot Region of EU-Russia Partnership. East-West Institute, Policy Brief, available at www.ewi.org and www.kaliningradexpert.org

Vinokurov, Evgeny, Usanov, Artur, Lindholm, Peter, Ignatyev, Alexey (2005) Kaliningrad in the Context of Establishing the EU-Russia Common Economic Space, East-West Institute Policy Brief, available at www.ewi.org and www.kaliningradexpert.org

Matochkin, Yu.S., Kuzin, V.I., Vinokurov, E. (2004) Analiz opyta importnych kvot v Kaliningradskoy oblasti (1998-2003) [Analysis of the Experience of the Import Quotas in the Kaliningrad Region (1998-2003)],  Ekonomika Severo-Zapada Rossii [Economics of the North-West of Russia], (2)1: 76-81. 

Kernohan, David, Vinokurov, Evgeny (2004) The EU-Russia WTO Deal: Balancing Mid-term and Longer-term Growth Prospects? CEPS Commentary, October. www.ceps.be/Article.php?article_id=382

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2004) The Making of the Concept of EU-Russia Common Economic Space, Chair Interbrew Baillet-Latour Working Paper No.22, K.U.Leuven, 2004.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2004) Economic Prospects for Kaliningrad: Between EU Enlargement and Russia’s Integration into the World Economy. CEPS Working Document No.201.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2004) Kaliningrad’s borders and transit to mainland Russia: practicalities and remaining bottlenecks. CEPS Commentary, February, www.ceps.be.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2004) Kaliningrad in the Framework of the EU-Russian Dialogue: Toward Common Spaces. Chair Interbrew Baillet-Latour Working Paper No. 20, K.U.Leuven.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2004) Transit is just a part of it: Kaliningrad and the free movement of people. Association of International Experts on the Development of the Kaliningrad Region. www.kaliningradexpert.org.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2004) Vliyaniye rasshireniya ES i vstupleniya Rossii v VTO na Kaliningraskuyu regional’nuyu ekonomiku [Impact of the EU enlargement and Russia’s WTO accession at the Kaliningrad Regional Economy], in: Baltiysky Nauchny Vestnik [Baltic Scientific Herald], 2004.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2003) Kaliningrad after the last EU-Russian Summit, CEPS Commentary, www.ceps.be/commentary/Feb03/Vinokurov.php

Vinokurov, Evgeny, Kharin, Alexandr, Usanov, Artur (2003) The Prospects of Kaliningrad Region’ s Foreign Trade Regime. 1st Bulletin of TACIS Project on Trade and Investment in Kaliningrad. 2003. Kaliningrad.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2003) Kantov teleologicheskiy method i sovremennye liberalno- kommunitaristskiye diskussii [Kant’s Teleological Method and the Contemporary Liberal-Communitarian Debates], Kantovsky Sbornik [Cantian Collection], Kaliningrad: Kaliningrad University Press, Vol.23.

Dykhanov, G. (dir.) (2002) Second Economic Survey. Analysis of the social and economic position of Kaliningrad Region and recommendations for regional development. IMC “Promoting trade and Investment in Kaliningrad Oblast – Russia”, Tacis, the European Union, October, 103 p. As a Russian TACIS  expert.

Samson I. (dir) (2002) Economic Survey. The Kaliningrad Economy – at the Edge of EU Enlargement, IMC/UPMF “Promoting Trade and Investment in Kaliningrad Oblast”, Tacis, The European Commission, Brussels, March 2002, 130 p. As a Russian TACIS  expert.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2002) Development of Trade with Mainland Russia in the Trade Balance of Kaliningrad Region, in: Les Cahiers de l’Espace Europe (special issue on the theme Russia-European Union: on the eve of the EU enlargement), Fall 2002.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2002) Toward a Theory of Enclaves: Classification and General Characteristics, in: Baltiysky Nauchny Vestnik [Baltic Scientific Herald], 1:127-144.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2001) Kantianskiy kharakter philosofskich teoriy W.Kerstinga i O.Höffe [Cantian Character of the Philosophical Theories of W. Kersting and O.Höffe], Kantovsky Sbornik [Cantian Collection], Kaliningrad: Kaliningrad University Press, Vol. 22: 74-92.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2000) Ideya universiteta: svoboda, universalnost’, moralnost’ [The Idea of a University: Freedom, Universality, Morality], Kulturny sloy. Issledovaniya istorii evropeyskoy kultury [Cultural Layer. Studies in the History of the European Culture], Kaliningrad, vol.1: 3-6.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2000) Yavlayutsya li preliminarnye statyi traktata “K vechnomu miru” neobchodimymi i dostatochnymi? [Are Preliminary Articles in the Treatise “Perpetual Peace” Necessary and Sufficient?], Problemy historicheskich i filosofskich nauk [Problems of Historical and Philosophical Sciences], Kaliningrad: Kaliningrad University Press, 24-29.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (1999) To the Question of the Characteristics of Preliminary Articles in Kant’s “Eternal Peace”, Proceedings of the VIII International Kant Conference, Kaliningrad: Kaliningrad University Press, 31-33.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (1999) Mir mezhdu gosudarstvami: razlichiye idey Gobbsa i Kanta kak osnovopolagayushaya dilemma filosofii mira [Peace between the States: The Difference of Hobbes’ and Kant’s Ideas as the Founding Dilemma of the Philosophy of Peace], De Jure’99, Kaliningrad, 80-86.


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